DialogFragment setMessage using newLine

I am trying to set some text in DialogFragment and this text contains some new lines.

I tried all this:

setMessage("This is line A \n This is line b");

setMessage("This is line A \\\n This is line b");

setMessage("This is line A+"System.getProperty("line.separator")"+This is line b");

Does not work.

What advice?

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2 answers

You must set your string as a resource in the strings.xml file and then get it using the getString method.

Take a look here for more details: String Newline resource / n not possible?


I would recommend using a custom layout for your dialog, or you could just use

 String message = "First sentence \r\n Second sentence \r\n ..." 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501688/

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