HttpClient and HttpRequestHeaders.Range

I am trying to use HttpClient to download only part of a file (in this example from the SEC website).

If I set RangeHeaderValue to something> = 4200, I will get part of the file (although response.Content.Headers.ContentLength says the size is 32628 bytes, which may be due to compression). If I look at the request to Fiddler, I see Range: bytes=0-4200 as the header under Miscellaneous . So I'm sure I'm setting the headers correctly. What I can’t understand is 2 times, why setting the maximum length on RangeHeaderValue to less than 4200 results in ContentLength 0 (confirmed in Fiddler) and why ContentLength does not match the range request?

I confirmed (by looking at the headers) that the SEC server supports ranges ( Accept-Ranges: bytes ). Sample code below.

 var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip }); var request = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri("") }; request.Headers.Range = new RangeHeaderValue(0, 1000); Console.WriteLine(request.Headers.Range.Ranges); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); Console.WriteLine(response.Headers); Console.WriteLine(response.Content.Headers.ContentLength); Console.WriteLine(response.RequestMessage); 


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2 answers

There are no questions here, the server claims to comply with the range standard, but seems to ignore it. Further research using multiple CDNs, the code works correctly.


It is confirmed that partial downloads (byte ranges) are still not implemented on the server. I set Range: bytes=0-4201 & Range: bytes=0-1000 and all the time I get the full file: 45 846 783 bytes.

One way to get a partial file is to pause / stop the download when you have enough bytes. This, however, will work for a range of bytes starting from zero (the first few bytes of the file), and not for the middle part of the file.



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