I would like to take a look at the size of the byte code of the method to see how maximum it is (64 KB). How can i do this?
One option is to use javap -c YourClassName -, which will show you the byte offsets of each command for each method.
javap -c YourClassName
As an alternative, to do this programmatically, I strongly suspect BCEL or ASM will help you.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1501555/More articles:Error C: lvalue required as unary operand & - cRotate pandas DataFrame - AssertionError: index length does not match values - pythonHow to add a static ad banner in a UITableViewController? - iosUploading files via HTTP PUT request - javaLocal sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL - c #Failed to read the artifact descriptor for the artifact present in my localhost Nexus repo - mavenReplace gesture library templates in android - androidDelete last class - jqueryHttpClient and HttpRequestHeaders.Range - c #HBase HDFS zookeeper - hbaseAll Articles