How can I match a single descendant (e.g. $ .find ()) without searching through the rest of the DOM tree after it is detected?

I use jQuery and jQuery mobile, and unfortunately, I need to use the $ .find () method a bit to find all the children of the element.

Many times I know that there will be only one result. But the find method will continue to go through the whole tree after finding what might be very early. Your first thought may be that I should just go to where I expect the element to be, but this is really not possible for some of my requests.

Is there a way to do a full search for descendants, for example $ .find (), which stops the search after identifying the first match?

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3 answers

It depends on your selector. Unless you use a special jquery selector or selector, such as .someclass , #someid or div , jquery passes the selector directly to element.querySelectorAll() , which uses a browser selector to do the job. Therefore, jquery does not iterate over all elements, that is, there is no way to make it β€œstop” when it finds the first one, it will find them all and then give you all. Instead, you can use element.querySelector() and skip jQuery so that the browser returns only the first match, but whether it is significantly faster will depend on how the browser implements these methods. (it will always be slightly faster simply because it does not use jQuery, but looking at jsperf, it seems that it is faster to use querySelector instead of querySelectorAll )

Now, when it comes to selectors that only have a jQuery selector, just omit these jquery selectors only from your .find and instead use them in .filter so you use the more efficient element.querySelectorAll() first, then filter only the results only using jQuery selector.

For example, .find(".foo:button") will be more efficiently written as .find(".foo").filter(":button")

jQuery is not used in jsperf, but since the way you select jQuery elements is highly dependent on the same methods used in jsperf, I think it matters. Choosing a jQuery selector by identifier and choosing by class, for example, should see about the same performance difference as between getElementById and getElementsByClassName .

At present, a function request is opened that will automatically make this switch for you: he raised it because it does not appear to actually cause a significant increase in performance.


Just make your selector specific enough and use the first method.


Or, if you already know how the result will be no more than one, you could actually decorate this particular element in dom with an identifier or a class that is somewhat unique.

Remember that CSS searches from right to left in the order your selector chooses, so it will actually stop faster than you think.

It all depends on how specific your CSS selector is.


Can you use .first ()?




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