Android UI Design Plan

I like to start developing an Android application in Eclipse, but I feel that it is not very friendly to the interface design. Is there any other editor that is more efficient than Eclipse?

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3 answers

Eclipse - Android Layout Editor is the best result in my experience. If you perfectly study the various types of layouts and their attributes, you can create any flexible layout (flexible in the sense that it can be viewed from any screen resolution).

Yes, DroidDraw is useful for beginners , but let me be frank, I started linking with this design tool, but later I just started with my own layout editor for Android, and now I have enough practice, so I suggest you study Android layouts and their attributes. Focus on RelativeLayout first, because in most cases they are used in most applications.

And yes, I would also like to tell you that we have basically 2 design patterns:

  • TabBar design template (according to my experience, do not do this in any way, because you may need to convert any iOS application to an Android application, so you need to have a tab design template in your Android application and you will need to control actions through an ActivityGroup and its not as easy as the DashBoard design template.
  • DashBoard Design Template . (In my experience, you should go with this design pattern because most successful Android apps implement this design pattern, for example, evernote, facebook, stackanywhere, google docs and many others).

=> For more information on the DashBoard Design template, see this article: Implementing Dashboard and Action Bar

=> To find out about the types of various Android layouts with outputs, here is the best article as far as I know: Android Layouts tutorial

=> To make the Android app more stylish, check out the articles on this site: Styling Android


DroidDraw seems very useful. It has a clean and simple interface and is free. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X

You also have a check - Android GUI Tools


You can try the droid drawing tool to create your own user interface. It would be difficult to make a complex user interface from using this tool. You can use it for a simple user interface. here is a tool reference



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