Modal irregular shape on iPad

Is it possible to display a modal view with an irregular shape using presentModalViewController ? The modal partially covers the screen (presentation style is set to UIModalPresentationFormSheet )

I tried just setting the clipsToBounds supervisor to NO, this did not work. I also can not get rid of the rounded corner.

PS: I try to avoid creating a custom view and do it manually.

PPS: I noticed from the docs that we should use presentViewController now in iOS 5. However, it did nothing else.

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2 answers

I kind of worked. It's a little hack, but it works.

Code (this is inside the controller that spawns the modal):

 // Present the modal [self presentViewController:modalVC animated:YES completion:NULL]; // Let content overflow and shrink superview to a small dimension modalVC.view.clipsToBounds = NO; modalVC.view.superview.bounds = CGRectMake(modalVC.view.superview.bounds.origin.x, modalVC.view.superview.bounds.origin.y, 100, 100); 

Now just make modal views bigger than the supervisor, and you can go crazy with the form.

Please note that touches will only be recorded in the supervisor area.


No, you can’t, you must stick to the styles that Apple provides you with,

As you say, you need to create your own look and animate it.



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