The carriage return character is removed from XML using OPENXML

It appears that SQL Server removes the \r characters when parsing XML. So when my stored procedure gets the values ​​in xml to save, all line breaks are represented as \n instead of \r\n.

Is there a way to force SQL Server not to remove \r characters? In the example Node1 below, the value does not contain \r characters.

 DECLARE @hDoc int DECLARE @Xml nvarchar(MAX) SET @Xml = N'<Root><Node1><![CDATA[' + nchar(13) + nchar(10) + N'Some ' + nchar(13) + nchar(10) + N' Value]]></Node1></Root>' EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @Xml SELECT Node1 ,convert(varbinary(max),Node1) -- Contains 0A00 in the start instead of 0D0A, ,charindex(nchar(13),Node1) FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, N'/Root', 2) WITH (Node1 NVARCHAR(MAX)) EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hDoc 

enter image description here

@PJB suggested XQuery nodes instead. But that does not help. I tried to execute the request below and got the same result.

 DECLARE @xml xml SET @xml = convert(xml, N'<Root><Node1><![CDATA[' + nchar(13) + nchar(10) + N'Some ' + nchar(13) + nchar(10) + N' Value]]></Node1></Root>') declare @Node1 nvarchar(30) select @Node1 = node.value('.', 'nvarchar(30)') from @xml.nodes('/Root/Node1') as doc(node) SELECT @Node1 ,convert(varbinary(max),@Node1) -- Contains 0A00 in the start instead of 0D0A, ,charindex(nchar(13),@Node1) 
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1 answer

The carriage return character is removed from XML

This is the correct behavior according to the XML specification End of Line Processing .

the XML processor MUST behave as if it normalizes all line breaks to external parsed objects (including the document object) at the input, before parsing, by translating the two-character sequence #xD #xA and any #xD that is not followed by #xA, to a single #xA character.

You can try using replace to return a carriage return.

 select @Node1 = replace(node.value('.', 'nvarchar(30)'), nchar(10), nchar(13)+nchar(10)) from @xml.nodes('/Root/Node1') as doc(node) 


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