General factory of common containers

I have a generic Factory<T> abstract class with the createBoxedInstance() method that returns T instances created by createInstance() implementations wrapped in a generic Box<T> container.

 abstract class Factory<T> { abstract T createInstance(); public final Box<T> createBoxedInstance() { return new Box<T>(createInstance()); } public final class Box<T> { public final T content; public Box(T content) { this.content = content; } } } 

In some cases, I need a container like Box<S> , where S is the ancestor of T Is it possible to make createBoxedInstance() itself generic so that it returns Box<S> instances where the caller called S ? Unfortunately, defining a function as follows does not work, since a type parameter cannot be declared using the super keyword, only used.

 public final <S super T> Box<S> createBoxedInstance() { return new Box<S>(createInstance()); } 

The only alternative that I see is to create all the places that need an instance of Box<S> accept Box<? extends S> Box<? extends S> , which allows the container content member to be assigned S

Is there a way around this without repeatedly boxing T instances into Box<S> containers? (I know that I could just drop Box<T> to Box<S> , but I would be very, very guilty.)

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3 answers

Try rewriting another code to not use Box<S> , but use Box<? extends S> Instead Box<? extends S> , so it will also accept Box<T> . This way you clearly indicate that Box can also contain subclasses of S

The following should also work if you make your box static :

 public static <S, T extends S> Box<S> createBoxedInstance(Factory<T> factory) { return new Box<S>(factory.createInstance()); } 

However, for S may not be possible to infer the type in which you need to:

 public static <S, T extends S> Box<S> createBoxedInstance(Factory<T> factory, S dummy) { return new Box<S>(factory.createInstance()); } 

Another variation that is very famous:

 public static <S, T extends S> Box<? extends S> createBoxedInstance(Test<T> factory, S dummy) { return factory.createBoxedInstance(); // Actually a Box<T> } 

To some extent, you can achieve what you want:

 public final <S extends Box<? super T>> S createBoxedInstance() { // sadly we can't capture the wildcard in the bound of S // this means we have to cast, but at least it local.. // *should* this cast ever break due to reification, we // can fix it here and be good to go @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S box = (S) new Box<T>(createInstance()); return box; } Factory<Integer> factory = getFactory(); Box<Number> box1 = factory.createBoxedInstance(); Box<Object> box2 = factory.createBoxedInstance(); 

I think your own Box<? extends S> Box<? extends S> -Alternative is the right approach. However, if this causes client code to be flooded with wildcards, this may be preferable.


The reason you cannot do this (or use weird transforms) is as follows: Imagine that there was also a setter in the Box field, and not in the final. Also, suppose that type S is a super-type of both R and T. The following code will be valid without casting.

 Box<T> boxT = new Box<T>(objectT); Box<S> boxS = boxT; S objectR = new R(); boxS.set(objectR); 

This code will be valid without warning, except that the installer will fail at runtime with an unexpected exception (unexpected in the sense that it is not obvious that a casting exception can be thrown) because you cannot assign something with type R to type T.

You can read more at (but you have aspirin, you will get a headache)

Like many people, probably using code in other code is the best option.



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