What is the location of PnPUtil.exe on 64-bit systems?

I would like to install the USB device driver [.inf file] using the PnPUtil.exe utility on 32-bit and 64-bit systems for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

I tested on my machine [Windows 7 32bit], and everything was fine, because PnpUtil.exe is located in: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ PnPUtil.exe . But on 64-bit Windows 7, the utility is not in this directory.

When I tried to install the driver on another machine running Windows 7 - 64bit, I could find PnPUtil.exe in this place: C: \ WIndows \ winsxs \ amd64_microsoft-windows-pnputil_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_5958b438d6388d15 \ was also beautiful pnputil.exe .

So, how can I pinpoint this directory on all platforms? I noticed that the path depends on the built-in version of Windows - 6.1.7600.16385 - but how to determine the rest of the path? Or is the path always the same on all 64-bit platforms? What about Vista?

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3 answers

I recently ran into this problem while trying to create an installer for ReplicatorG , which includes Arduino drivers and some Makerbot Replicator specific drivers.

There seemed to be no way to locate PnPutil, and instead I had to purchase Microsoft DIFx and use their redistributable DPinst.

There were a few strange things about DPinst that made it difficult to use. Firstly, it did not work fine if it was located in a directory tree with spaces in the path. Who knows why. Secondly, since the Arduino drivers are unsigned, it must be run in obsolete mode so that a large red dialog appears notifying the user. To start it in obsolete mode, you use the /lm flag, but the flag must be lowercase. Again, it is not clear why.

In the end, I had the dpinst installer and each driver in a folder in a temporary directory, and then run dpinst. It issues a beautiful little wizard and tells the user which drivers have been installed.


The location of PnPUtil.exe visible from your installer application depends on the bits of your installer:

  • 32-bit installer on 32-bit Windows:% WinDir% \ System32
  • 64-bit installer on 64-bit Windows:% WinDir% \ System32
  • 32-bit installer on 64-bit Windows:% WinDir% \ Sysnative (Windows Vista and higher)

More details here: http://www.samlogic.net/articles/sysnative-folder-64-bit-windows.htm


From C: \ WIndows \ winsxs \

dir / s PnPUtil. *

scans subdirectories


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1382838/

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