For some reason, we needed to change the package identifier of our existing Android application. We already use Fabric for Crashlytics.
I am trying to bring this new application to the Fabric toolbar, but it does not appear there despite the fact that there are no problems in the device log (as I see): device log
Any ideas why the new package id is not showing up in our dashboard?
Best, Sven
, . , Fabric , "" .
( : ), :
Fabric.with( Fabric.Builder(this) .kits(Crashlytics()) .appIdentifier(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID) .build() )
, meta . , Fabric.with(this,new Crashlytics()). , Fabric Android Android Studio, IDE, Fabric . .
Fabric.with(this,new Crashlytics())
, , Crashlytics .
I/CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics report upload complete: <ID>
Build-Clean Android-, , , , . , - .
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