How to add a "Custom Description" field in delivery methods (Backend)

I want to add a custom field on the Delivery Zone page under the delivery method, it will be text input, the user will be able to add a custom message, and I will display this message in the interface.

I noticed that it saves data in a table that does not have an extra column to save data; so I think I should use my own logic, but I do not know the name hook (s). wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods

So my question is: is there any hook that helps me /

  • To add a custom field.
  • To add a custom column.

TL DR: enter image description here

enter image description here


, :

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'my_custom_fields');

function my_custom_fields() {
    $field = array(
       //This ID will be use on the _postmeta table as key_name
       'id' => 'my_custom_message',
       //Text that goes inside the label tag
       'label' => 'Message:',
       //This text will appear on the description column
       'description' => 'This is a custom message not part of WooCommerce',
       //Boolean that determines the display of the description
       'desc_tip' => true,
       //Standard html input placeholder
       'placeholder' => 'Type a message',

add_action('woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'save_my_custom_fields');

function save_my_custom_fields($post_id) {

$ , , :

$field = array(
    'id' => 'my_custom_message',//This ID will be use on the _postmeta table as key_name
    'label' => 'Message:',//Text that goes inside the label tag
    'description' => 'This is a custom message not part of WooCommerce',//This text will appear on the description column
    'desc_tip' => true,//Boolean that determines the display of the description
    'placeholder' => 'Type a message',//Standard html input placeholder


    'class' => 'css-class',//Class attributte for the input tag
    'style' => 'background:red',//Style attribute for the input tag
    'wrapper_class' => 'css-class',//Class for the wrapper of the input tag, it is a paragraph


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