When were F # reserved keywords removed from the specifications?

I read an article from F # Github before some of the unused reserved keywords were deleted, for example params, and we should use attributes instead.

From the Keyword Link , I can’t find those deleted keywords, where can I search for them?

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1 answer

You can read about them in the RFC in the fslang-design repository . Unverified keywords:

  • - The F # community is happy to meet memberto introduce methods.
  • - F # new, .
  • atomic - 2006 . F # .
  • eager - , let eager let lazy.
  • - .
  • - F # rec.
  • functor. F # , module M(args) = ....
  • measure. , [<Measure>].
  • volatile. , [<Volatile>].

F # 4.1.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017331/

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