I have a Play 2.5 project and I am running it from sbtwith ~ run, but it consumes 30% of the processor just to run.
~ run
I am using InteliJ to run a project with parameters:
-Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Dsbt.task.forcegc=false
Any hints of this?
I am currently writing my Scala certificate, and I confirm that Intellij uses a lot of CPU regardless of operation (package update, exec, etc.), so it looks just fine.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017320/More articles:How to add my .d.ts file to my angular library? - angularCFML conversion of query string () query () to structure syntax - coldfusionUsing sbt with high cpu value with ~ startup - performanceВремя выполнения устройства CUDA api cudaMemsetAsync не работает - cudaMimic Ctrl + A with JavaScript - javascriptHow to make histograms of this table of column columns in R ggplot? - rКак получить эту структуру данных в R? - data-structuresA very simple histogram with R? - rSecurity Issues Core WebAPI ASP.NET - javascriptRemoving common values from two lists in python - pythonAll Articles