I created the angular library using the Yeoman generator library ( https://github.com/jvandemo/generator-angular2-library ). Then I want to add files with my custom types and put them in the src / types folder, but the compiler doesn't see them.
I tried to use different paths in types, typeRoots in tsconfig.es5.json, but failed so far.
Created a simple repo reproducing the problem: https://github.com/yuriykuzin/ng2-sample-library
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
src/index.ts , , .
, src/index.ts, :
import './types/sample-type';
, dist/types/sample-type.d.ts dist/index.d.ts.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017315/More articles:Android Studio AVD Manager button disabled - androidReact-native: как установить изображение в фоновом режиме Layout (View) - layoutCannot convert lambda expression to type "CookieAuthenticationOptions" because it is not a delegate type - c #How to run reCaptcha ONLY if HTML5 validation passes? - javascriptUnable to access docker container from port displayed by docker - node.jsCFML conversion of query string () query () to structure syntax - coldfusionUsing sbt with high cpu value with ~ startup - performanceВремя выполнения устройства CUDA api cudaMemsetAsync не работает - cudaMimic Ctrl + A with JavaScript - javascriptSBT with high CPU usage at startup ~ - scalaAll Articles