Android Studio AVD Manager Button Disabled

I am very new to Android development and have never used Android Studio before. I installed it, connected my application to my phone and left it alone for several weeks. Upon returning, I could not find the Android Studio executable on my computer, so I reinstalled it and restarted it in the same project.

Not sure if this is because the AVD Manager button is not available. Things I tried:

  • Make sure my path to the SDK is correct.
  • Running Android Studio as an administrator
  • Run the AVD Manager executable from windows. I can create a virtual device, but does not affect the disabled AVD Manager button when restarting Android Studio.
  • Installing the Intel X86 Atom system image and the Google APIs in the SDK Manager in accordance with API 24. Everything installed in API 25.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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5 answers

This usually happens when Android Studio cannot identify the android sdk installation in the machine. This can happen if Android Studio is running in a mode other than the administrator.

Just close and restart Android Studio in admin mode. You will see the saying "Android infrastructure." Click the "Settings" link for this notification. AndroidStudio will start setting up sdk for Android. After a while, the buttons will be visible and activated.


Android Studio , - , .

  • .idea
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, , React Native tutorial, "" : " : Android"

, , Android.

event log message screenshot


, gradle.

enter image description here


I had a problem with a new machine with MacOS High Sierra.

After installing Android Studio and the latest version of the SDK / SDK Tools, I could not create AVD from Android Studio (the button greyed out, no option under Tools) or launch the AVD manager in any other way.

I tried the same thing the OP did, and then noticed that I got the following error: Gradle sync failed: Failed to find Build Tools revision 26.0.2

From the event log I followed the link to download the Build tools, and now it works!



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