How to get input file name as column in AWS Athena external tables

I have external tables created in AWS Athena to request S3 data, however the location path contains 1000+ files, so I need the corresponding file name, which will be displayed as a column in the table.

select file_name, col1 from the table where file_name = "test20170516"

In short, I need to know the equivalent of INPUT__FILE__NAME (bush) in AWS Athena Presto or any other ways to achieve the same.

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2 answers

You can do this using the $ path pseudo-directory.

select "$path" from table

, regeexp_extract().

Athena "$path", - :

SELECT regexp_extract("$path", '[^/]+$') AS filename from table;

, :

SELECT regexp_extract("$path", '[ \w-]+?(?=\.)') AS filename_without_extension from table;

Presto Regular Expression Functions



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