What could it be? [TsLint Error: "Promises should be handled accordingly"]

I do some basic asynchronous operations using async/awaitTypeScript, but TSLint throws mysterious error messages for these two functions below. Has anyone encountered these errors before? The control rule is not mentioned in the error output, so I don’t understand what causes them. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Basic request:

import * as rp from 'request-promise'

export function getRequest(address: rp.Options): rp.RequestPromise {
  return rp(address)

Exported async function:

export async function getStatus(message: Message) {
  try {
    const res = await getRequest(address)
    if (res.ready) {
    } else {
  } catch (err) {

This gets: Promises must be handled appropriatelyand await of non-Promisefor line # 3.

A simple function using this export:

client.on('message', message => {
  if (message.content === 'green') {

It also gets Promises must be handled appropriately.

Additional Information:

, , Promises must be handled appropriately: https://palantir.imtqy.com/tslint/rules/no-floating-promises/

await of non-Promise: https://github.com/palantir/tslint/issues/2661


. ,

Promise .catch .then ().

, ,

  .catch(err => handle(err))
  .then(() => console.log('this will succeed'))

tslint, .then(...) - , . .catch, ,

  .catch(err => handle(err))
  .then(() => console.log('this will succeed'))
  .catch(() => 'obligatory catch')

tslint :

  .catch(err => handle(err))
  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unsafe-any
  .then(() => console.log('this will succeed'))

.then .catch. , .then , , , , .


, . - .


try/catch async/await


void promiseFunction();

getStatus :

// All functions marked as async returns a promise:
async function getStatus(message: Message) {/* ... */}

getStatus, :


, . , , .then():

getStatus(message).then(() => console.log('done'));

, ​​ , getStatus, . , . , .

lint :

client.on('message', message => {
 if (message.content === 'green') {
   await getStatus(message)

-, . , .


I have the same exception when I created firebase-functionusingfirebase-tool

const ref = admin.database().ref("path/to/database/object");

ref.once("value").catch(error =>{  // line 22
    response.send( error() );
}).then( snapshot =>{
    response.send( snapshot.val );

This code is not compiled and return

ERROR: /src/index.ts[22, 5]: Promises must be handled appropriately

I changed places catchand then.


This code works, sorry, but I have no explanation

It is so surprising that the application returns some error without a block, catcheven in accordance with firebase docwithout mentioning what is required catch.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017268/

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