I study Clojure macros and wonder why we cannot only use functions for metaprogramming.
As far as I know, the difference between a macro and a function is that the macro arguments are not evaluated, but passed as data structures and characters as they are, while the return value is calculated (at the place where the macro is called). The macro acts as a proxy between the reader and the evaluator, transforming the form arbitrarily before the assessment. Inside, they can use all language functions, including functions, special forms, literals, recursion, other macros, etc.
The functions are the opposite. Arguments are evaluated before the call, the return value is not returned. But the mirror-like nature of macros and functions makes me wonder if we could also use functions as macros, quoting their arguments (form), transforming the form, evaluating it inside the function, and finally returning its value. Wouldn't that lead to a logical result? Of course, this would be inconvenient, but theoretically, is there an equivalent function for every possible macro?
Here is a simple infix macro
(defmacro infix
"translate infix notation to clojure form"
(list (second form) (first form) (last form)))
(infix (6 + 6)) ;-> 12
Here is the same logic with the function
(defn infix-fn
"infix using a function"
((eval (second form)) (eval (first form)) (eval (last form))))
(infix-fn '(6 + 6)) ;-> 12
Now, is this perception generalizable to all situations, or are there some angular cases where a macro cannot be surpassed? After all, are macros just syntactic sugar over a function call?