How to check if two values ​​are created with the same constructor?

let's say that I have

type t = A of int | B of int

let xx = A(2);;
let yy = A(3);;

and I want to check if the xx and yy constructors are equal. Is there an easy way to do this? Instead of

match xx with
  A _ ->
  (match yy with A _ -> true | B _ -> false)
| B _ -> 
  (match yy with A _ -> false | B _ -> true);;

which gets pretty messy when there are many constructors like

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3 answers

You can rewrite above, a little easier:

match xx, yy with
| A _, A _
| B _, B _ -> true
| (A _ | B _), _ -> false

but I don’t know the solution without listing all the constructors.


It is possible, sort of, through the module Obj. Analysis of objects using functions Obj, if everything is done correctly, will not lead to the failure of your program; but you need to be careful if you want meaningful results.

let equal_constructors (x : 'a) (y : 'a) =
  let r = Obj.repr x and s = Obj.repr y in
  if Obj.is_int r && Obj.is_int s then (Obj.obj r : int) = (Obj.obj s : int) else
  if Obj.is_block r && Obj.is_block s then Obj.tag r = Obj.tag s else

( ) true, , false . equal_constructors ; true false, .


, , - , , .

type t = A of int | B of int
module Tag = struct type t = A | B end

let to_tag = function A _ -> Tag.A | B _ -> Tag.B
let tags_are_equal x y =
    to_tag x = to_tag y


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