/2, CLP (FD) (# =)/2 . , , , .
, (CAS). Jekejeke Minlog 0.9.2, CAS Prolog.
eval_keys/2 min_key/2, . , , . :
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.3.25-3-gc3a87c2)
Copyright (c) 1990-2016 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
?- eval_keys([(1+3)-foo,2-bar],L).
L = [4-foo,2-bar]
, :
?- min_key([4-foo,2-bar],X).
X = bar
, , . . foo:
?- eval_keys([(sqrt(98428513)+sqrt(101596577))-foo,sqrt(400025090)-bar],L).
L = [20000.62724016424-foo, 20000.627240164245-bar].
?- min_key([20000.62724016424-foo, 20000.627240164245-bar], X).
X = foo.
CLP (FD) , . , CAS . , bar:
Jekejeke Prolog 2, Runtime Library 1.2.2
(c) 1985-2017, XLOG Technologies GmbH, Switzerland
?- eval_keys([(sqrt(98428513)+sqrt(101596577))-foo,sqrt(400025090)-bar],L).
L = [radical(0,[98428513-1,101596577-1])-foo,
?- min_key([radical(0,[98428513-1,101596577-1])-foo,
X = bar
, , . , , , :
?- use_module(library(decimal/multi)).
% 7 consults and 0 unloads in 319 ms.
?- X is mp(sqrt(98428513)+sqrt(101596577), 32).
X = 0d20000.627240164244658958331341095
?- X is mp(sqrt(400025090), 32).
X = 0d20000.627240164244408966171597261
CAS . , Prolog Swinnerton-Dyer , .
% :- use_module(library(groebner/generic)). /* to enable CAS */
eval_keys([X-A|L], [Y-A|R]) :- Y is X, eval_keys(L, R).
eval_keys([], []).
min_key([X-A|L], B) :- min_key(L, X, A, B).
min_key([X-A|L], Y, _, B) :- X < Y, !, min_key(L, X, A, B).
min_key([_|L], X, A, B) :- min_key(L, X, A, B).
min_key([], _, A, A).