Google People API "Request mask cannot be empty"

I am trying to query for user profile information registered through Google OAuth. My request is formed correctly, I log in successfully, but when I try to make the next request in PHP, I get the error message Request Mask cannot be empty. Allowed paths: ...

However, from the Google People API documentation. that the values ​​of the request mask are optional, and if they are not passed, it will return all values ​​except for people.connections.list . Here is my code:

// The entire OAuth process works up until this point...
// create the service
$service = new Google_Service_People($this->client);

try {
  $results = $service->people->get('people/me');
} catch(\Exception $exception) {
  echo $exception->getMessage();

Here is the error message I get from this error:

{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request mask can not be empty. Valid paths are: [person.addresses, person.age_ranges, person.biographies, person.birthdays, person.bragging_rights, person.cover_photos, person.email_addresses,, person.genders, person.im_clients, person.interests, person.locales, person.memberships, person.metadata, person.names, person.nicknames, person.occupations, person.organizations, person.phone_numbers,, person.relations, person.relationship_interests, person.relationship_statuses, person.residences, person.skills, person.taglines, person.urls].", "errors": [ { "message": "Request mask can not be empty. Valid paths are: [person.addresses, person.age_ranges, person.biographies, person.birthdays, person.bragging_rights, person.cover_photos, person.email_addresses,, person.genders, person.im_clients, person.interests, person.locales, person.memberships, person.metadata, person.names, person.nicknames, person.occupations, person.organizations, person.phone_numbers,, person.relations, person.relationship_interests, person.relationship_statuses, person.residences, person.skills, person.taglines, person.urls].", "domain": "global", "reason": "badRequest" } ], "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }

Can anyone help me out?

Update 1:

- , $service->people->get('people/me', array("person.names")); : Illegal string offset 'type'


. Plus People. , , , , , Google API . ( Google PHP OAuth -).

, , . People Plus . PHP. , :

Google_Service_Plus::USERINFO_PROFILE, Google_Service_People::USERINFO_PROFILE, Google_Service_People::USERINFO_EMAIL

people/me "" me "" , :

$plus = new Google_Service_Plus($this->client);

try {
  $plus_results = $plus->people->get('me');
} catch(\Exception $exception) {
  echo $exception->getMessage();


namespace App\Auth;
require_once '/var/www/html/oauth/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/People.php';
require_once '/var/www/html/oauth/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service/Plus.php';
require_once '/var/www/html/oauth/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Google/Client.php';
require_once 'Session.php';
use Google_Client;
use Google_Service_People;
use Google_Service_Plus;
use App\Auth\Session;

 * This class performs a basic oauth authentication
 * using Google sign in and upon calling the handle_auth
 * method, retrieves the user profile and sets session
 * variables for use throughout an application.
class GoogleAuth {

  private static $DOMAIN = 'google';

   * Google auth client
   * @var Google_Client
  public $client;

   * Config json filepath
   * @var String
  public $config_json;

   * The URI to redirect to after succesful oauth
   * @var String
  public $redirect_uri;

   * The authorization url
   * @var String
  public $auth_url;

   * Logout url to redirect to after logout
   * @var String
  public $logout_url;

   * The name of the application as listed in the Google
   * app Dashboard.
   * @var String
  public $application_name;

   * The developer hash key available in the Google
   * App Credentials dashboard.
   * @var String
  public $developer_key;

   * Scopes to request in the oauth request.
   * @var [type]
  public $scope;

   * Url to redirect to upon successful authentication
   * @var String
  public $auth_success_url;

  public function __construct($config) {
    // Eventually we can extend the scope to handle different
    // values or multiple values. For now, this class only
    // supports user profile information.
    $config['scope'] = array(


  private function init($config) {
    if(!isset($config)) {
      throw new \Exception('Config is not valid.');
    if(!isset($config['config_json'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Path to config json is invalid.');
    if(!file_exists($config['config_json'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Config JSON file could not be found: ' . $config['config_json']);
    if(!isset($config['application_name'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Application name is invalid.');
    if(!isset($config['developer_key'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Developer Key is invalid.');
    if(!isset($config['scope'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Scope is invalid.');
    if(!isset($config['redirect_uri'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Redirect URL is invalid.');
    if(!isset($config['logout_url'])) {
      throw new \Exception('Logout URL is invalid.');

    $this->client = new Google_Client();
    $this->config_json = $config['config_json'];
    $this->redirect_uri = $config['redirect_uri'];
    $this->application_name = $config['application_name'];
    $this->developer_key = $config['developer_key'];
    $this->scope = $config['scope'];
    $this->logout_url = $config['logout_url'];

    // Let the session know where we want to go on logout.
    Session::set_logout_url($this->logout_url, self::$DOMAIN);


    foreach($this->scope as $scope) {
    $this->auth_url = $this->client->createAuthUrl();

  public static function auth_failure(\Exception $exception) {
    return Session::auth_failure(

  public static function logout() {
    return Session::logout(self::$DOMAIN);

  public function authenticate($request) {
    if (!$request->has('code')) {

      // User is unauthenticated, send them through the auth process
      return filter_var($this->auth_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);

    } else {
      $code = $request->input('code');

      // process the code received from the auth process
      $token_response = $this->process_code($code);
      // Ensure the token response is valid
      // Process and retrieve the access token
      $raw_token = $this->process_token_response($token_response);

      if(isset($raw_token)) {
        // Handle the token and process the id_token
        // Create the people service and make requests
        return $this->make_profile_request();

      } else {
        throw new \Exception('Failed to retrieve the access token');

  private function process_code($code) {
    // grab the code from the URL and generate an access token
    $response = $this->client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code);

    if(!is_array($response)) {
      throw new \Exception('Token response was invalid.');

    return $response;

  private function process_token_response($token_response) {
    return $this->client->getAccessToken();

  private function handle_id_token($token) {

    $id_token = null;

    try {
      $id_token = $this->client->verifyIdToken($token['id_token']);
    } catch(\Exception $exception) {
      // clear the access token to disable any
      // approved permissions for the user account
      throw new \Exception('Google Login failed');

    if(!$id_token) {
      throw new \Exception('Id Token is null or undefined');

    // grab the domain from the id_token
    $email = $id_token['email'];

    // Stuff it into the session
    Session::set_email($email, self::$DOMAIN);

  private function make_profile_request() {
    // create the service
    $plus = new Google_Service_Plus($this->client);

    try {
      $plus_results = $plus->people->get('me');
    } catch(\Exception $exception) {
      echo $exception->getMessage();
    if(!$plus_results) {
      throw new \Exception('No matching profile results.');

    // Get the user display name
    $username = $plus_results->getDisplayName();

    // Stuff it into the session
    Session::set_username($username, self::$DOMAIN);
    // Login. Session handles the redirect
    return Session::login(

, , , .

, requestMask api

$optParams = array('requestMask.includeField'=>'person.names' );

Go ~ 11 . includeField API Google. .

Google "includeField". - .


. , , . : , person.names

19 2017

golang, RequestMaskIncludeField People.Get.

people_get_call := peopleService.People.Get("people/me").RequestMaskIncludeField("person.addresses,person.age_ranges,person.biographies,person.birthdays,person.bragging_rights,person.cover_photos,person.email_addresses,,person.genders,person.im_clients,person.interests,person.locales,person.memberships,person.metadata,person.names,person.nicknames,person.occupations,person.organizations,person.phone_numbers,,person.relations,person.relationship_interests,person.relationship_statuses,person.residences,person.skills,person.taglines,person.urls")
google_account, err := people_get_call.Do()

Like @gonbe, RequestMaskIncludeField is not required, but this has been happening for some time. For the latest java lib (currently its rev139-1.22.0) you just need to add the requestRequestMaskIncludeField () method to the request, for example



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