Disable automatic comment indentation using Visual Studio 2015

I looked and searched for ways to disable comment indentation when saving C # files in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper installed.

I would like pseudo code before I start writing the actual code. However, I tweaked the settings for Visual Studio and Resharper to no avail. Therefore, for example, I want the comments to look like this:

  private string ToggleString(string input)
        // If input.length is between 1-100
            // All the uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
            // All the lowercase letters converted to uppercase
        // else
            // Return a constructive message.

        return input;

When I save CTRL+ s, it is obtained as follows:

private string ToggleString(string input)
    // If input.length is between 1-100
    // All the uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
    // All the lowercase letters converted to uppercase
    // else
    // Return a constructive message.

    return input;

How to disable automatic format?

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2 answers

In VS 2017 (C ++) there is a checkbox for this.

| | | C/++ | | |

-. , VS 2015.


, - .

, , XML Doc ,

enter image description here


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017141/

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