Why is Docker Compose restart able to display container contents more often?

I am writing a Docker Compose based web application and it has a number of background systems - HTTP API, HTTP proxy and queue. Everything in PHP in alpine containers, or PHP 5.6 or 7.0.

I initially set up a queue in Supervisor inside an API container that worked fine. However, Supervisor / Python makes containers much thicker than they should be (80M, not 25M), so I moved the queue to my container. It lives for ~ 5 minutes and shuts down to restart, and I used the automatic restart system in Supervisor, so I changed to a restart system in Docker Compose. I am using version 2 of the YAML format.

When the queue starts, it displays a simple message in stdout:

queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)

This is normal when I start docker-compose up. However, for each restart, I get three of these messages, then five, etc. No limits. If I do docker ps, it means that only one queue works:

halfer@machine:~/proximate-app$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
a9c94558769d        proximate-app       "/tmp/container-st..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>8084/tcp   app_instance
7e48d6aec459        proximate-api       "sh /tmp/bin/web-s..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>8080/tcp   api_instance
86c564becadf        proximate-queue     "sh /var/app/bin/c..."   2 hours ago         Up About a minute                            queue_instance
20c2145f80e4        proximate-proxy     "sh /var/proxy/con..."   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>8081/tcp   proxy_instance

Here is my Compose file:

version: '2'

    container_name: "app_instance"
    image: proximate-app
    - "8084:8084"
    - proximate-api

  # @todo Remove external ports once everything is happy
    container_name: "api_instance"
    image: proximate-api
    - "8080:8080"
    - proximate-proxy
    - proximate-queue
    - proximate-volume:/remote/cache
    - proximate-q-volume:/remote/queue
    # Use time and TZ from the host, could alternatively use env vars and set it
    # manually in the container, see https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Setting_the_timezone
    - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
    # Should perhaps pass this as a var to docker-compose so as not to hardwire it,
    # but it is fine for now
    - PHP_TIMEZONE=Europe/London

    container_name: "queue_instance"
    image: proximate-queue
    restart: always
    - proximate-proxy
    - proximate-volume:/remote/cache
    - proximate-q-volume:/remote/queue
    - PROXY_ADDRESS=proximate-proxy:8081

  # @todo Remove external ports once everything is happy
    container_name: "proxy_instance"
    image: proximate-proxy
    - "8081:8081"
    - proximate-volume:/remote/cache
    - PROXY_LOG_PATH=/remote/cache/proxy.log


Appropriate container proximate-queue.

I am sure that my container itself is not responsible for this oddity. Mine Dockerfilecomes in this way:

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/var/app/bin/container-start.sh"]

And this just causes the script to run:


php \
    /var/app/bin/queue.php \
    --queue-path /remote/queue \
    --proxy-address ${PROXY_ADDRESS}

Starting the queue process:

#!/usr/bin/env php

use Proximate\Service\File;
use Proximate\Service\SiteFetcher as SiteFetcherService;
use Proximate\Queue\Read as QueueReader;

$root = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..');
require_once $root . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$actions = getopt('p:q:', ['proxy-address:', 'queue-path:']);

$queuePath = isset($actions['queue-path']) ? $actions['queue-path'] : (isset($actions['q']) ? $actions['q'] : null);
$proxyAddress = isset($actions['proxy-address']) ? $actions['proxy-address'] : (isset($actions['p']) ? $actions['p'] : null);

if (!$queuePath || !$proxyAddress)
    $command = __FILE__;
        sprintf("Syntax: %s --proxy-address <proxy:port> --queue-path <queue-path>\n", $command)

if (!file_exists($queuePath))
        sprintf("Error: the supplied queue path `%s` does not exist\n", $queuePath)

echo sprintf(
    "Starting queue watcher (path=%s, proxying to %s)\n",

$queue = new QueueReader($queuePath, new File());
    setFetcher(new SiteFetcherService($proxyAddress))->

As you can see, echo sprintf()this is what announces the launch, and there is nothing like loops that could do this on my side. Could this be a bug in Docker Compose? I use docker-compose version 1.9.0, build 2585387on Ubuntu 14.04.

For reference, the standard output of Docker Compose looks like this (duplicate lines from the queue are visible):

halfer@machine:~/proximate-app$ docker-compose up
Creating network "proximateapp_default" with the default driver
Creating proxy_instance
Creating queue_instance
Creating api_instance
Creating app_instance
Attaching to proxy_instance, queue_instance, api_instance, app_instance
proxy_instance     | Teeing proxy logs also to /remote/cache/proxy.log
proxy_instance     | [2017-05-10 09:18:42] stdout.INFO: Setting up queue at `/remote/cache/data` [] []
proxy_instance     | [2017-05-10 09:18:42] stdout.INFO: Starting proxy listener on [] []
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
api_instance       | PHP 7.0.16 Development Server started at Wed May 10 10:19:00 2017
app_instance       | PHP 5.6.29 Development Server started at Wed May 10 09:19:10 2017
app_instance       | PHP 5.6.29 Development Server started at Wed May 10 09:19:10 2017
queue_instance exited with code 0
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance exited with code 0
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)
queue_instance     | Starting queue watcher (path=/remote/queue, proxying to proximate-proxy:8081)

, , - , , - - . , , .


script, , 20 . , :

halfer@machine:~/proximate-app$ docker-compose up
Creating network "proximateapp_default" with the default driver
Creating proxy_instance
Creating queue_instance
Creating api_instance
Creating app_instance
Attaching to proxy_instance, queue_instance, api_instance, app_instance
proxy_instance     | Teeing proxy logs also to /remote/cache/proxy.log
proxy_instance     | [2017-05-10 11:51:17] stdout.INFO: Setting up queue at `/remote/cache/data` [] []
proxy_instance     | [2017-05-10 11:51:17] stdout.INFO: Starting proxy listener on [] []
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:51:27 +0000. Microtime=1494417087.107185
api_instance       | PHP 7.0.16 Development Server started at Wed May 10 12:51:37 2017
app_instance       | PHP 5.6.29 Development Server started at Wed May 10 11:51:46 2017
app_instance       | PHP 5.6.29 Development Server started at Wed May 10 11:51:46 2017
queue_instance exited with code 0
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:51:27 +0000. Microtime=1494417087.107185
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:51:55 +0000. Microtime=1494417115.178871
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:52:22 +0000. Microtime=1494417142.409513
queue_instance exited with code 0
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:51:27 +0000. Microtime=1494417087.107185
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:51:55 +0000. Microtime=1494417115.178871
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:52:22 +0000. Microtime=1494417142.409513
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:52:49 +0000. Microtime=1494417169.612523
queue_instance     | Hello everyone! Time=Wed, 10 May 2017 11:53:17 +0000. Microtime=1494417197.826749

, :

  • 20 , Compose ( 30 ). , .
  • , .



Docker , ( ) , .

, . , /Python, (~ 55M) .

, , , .

. . , , : ( ).

PHP Alpine Linux Busybox (, no Bash).

, , PHP script 5 , ( - , ).

, . Dockerfile sh script. , PHP 300 ( ):

# executed by sh command from BusyBox v1.24.2 (2017-01-18 14:13:46 GMT) multi-call binary
# usage: ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "docker-entrypoint.sh"]
set -eu

timed_queue() {
  set +e
  timeout \
    -t 300 \
    php -d max_execution_time=301 \
      -f /queue.php -- \
      --proxy-address "${PROXY_ADDRESS}" \
      --queue-path /remote/queue \
  set -e

while [ $retval -eq 143 -o $retval -eq 0 ]; do

-t 300 timeout. 143 (SIGTERM) , .

script 0 . script ( ).

script. die , :

    sprintf("Error: the supplied queue path `%s` does not exist\n", $queuePath)

(, 1):

fprintf(STDERR, "Error: the supplied queue path `%s` does not exist\n", $queuePath);

script . 0 (0) OK ( die("string") , ), ( 1).

, - script - . , . - , :

queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:24.34824700 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:25.35548200 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:26.34564400 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:27.35868700 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:28.34597300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:29.34139800 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:30.26049500 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:31.26174500 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:32.26322800 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:33.26352800 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:34.26533300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:35.26524300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:36.26743300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:37.26889500 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:38.27222300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:39.27209000 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:40.27620500 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:41.27985300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:42.28136100 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:43.28252200 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:44.28403600 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:45.28595300 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:46.28683900 queue.php started...
queue_instance     | info: 2017-05-19T14:00:47.28803800 queue.php started...

, , , script .

( ..) PHP 127, , . , Dockerfile , , undefined.

, , , .

, , , CMD ENTRYPOINT, . . :


, .

, . , docker-compose , docker logs -f , . .

-, , docker-compose up

, , , , , ///... , while true; do ./queue-app-blabla.php; sleep 20; done script.

, , docker-compose.yml

version: "2"

    image: ubuntu
    command: tail -f /dev/null
      - queue
    image: ubuntu
    command: sh -c "date; echo Sleeping...; sleep 20; echo exit."
    restart: always


queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:12 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
docker_queue_1 exited with code 0
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:12 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:33 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:54 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
docker_queue_1 exited with code 0
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:12 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:33 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:32:54 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:33:17 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:33:38 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | exit.


version: "2"

    image: ubuntu
    command: tail -f /dev/null
      - queue
    image: ubuntu
    command: sh -c "while true; do date; echo Sleeping...; sleep 20; echo loop.; done"
    restart: always


Attaching to docker_queue_1, docker_ui_1
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:36:16 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | loop.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:36:36 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | loop.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:36:56 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...
queue_1  | loop.
queue_1  | Mon May 15 04:37:16 UTC 2017
queue_1  | Sleeping...

IMO, , , /. Docker , , . docker docs. " ( , 100 ), ". ( , > 10 .


. :


PERIOD=10 # seconds

while true; do
  echo Starting process...

  date # the process

  if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Error found. Exiting" >&2
        exit $STATUS

  echo End process. Sleeping ${PERIOD}s
  sleep $PERIOD


Starting process...
Mon May 15 11:43:06 ART 2017
End process. Sleeping 10s
Starting process...
Mon May 15 11:43:16 ART 2017
End process. Sleeping 10s
Starting process...
Mon May 15 11:43:26 ART 2017
End process. Sleeping 10s
Starting process...
Mon May 15 11:43:36 ART 2017
End process. Sleeping 10s
Starting process...
Mon May 15 11:43:46 ART 2017
End process. Sleeping 10s

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017135/

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