I have daily rainfall from 61 calibration stations for 12 years in the catchment area (8000 km2).
The goal is to create 5 km and 25 km trellised daytime rain. Since the stations are not small, and not all stations have rain even in the rainy season, I choose to go with a climatological variogram.
The rainfall measurement for a typical day (irain) is shown below with a few missing values โโindicated by NA.
7.8 4.4 15.4 19.1 5.8 0 42 6.4 21 21 0 0 0 15.6 0 0 10 5 1.2 0 14.4 NA 25 13.2 0 9.2 2 6.6 7.8 13.2 15.4 NA 9 0 15.5 0 18.6 6 0 4.8 10.6 0 9 0 12.4 NA 12 0 3 14 10 10 0 68 21.8 18 14.8 5.4 7 0 NA
Since the daily rainfall is skewed, for the conversion I tested with cube root conversion and log conversion (log1p) for each day individually . However, both conversions are not suitable for all days, as I tested with the shapiro wilk test. So, I choose the normal conversion of the score counter (NCR), as suggested by Grimes and Pardo (2009) Geostatistical analysis of precipitation . and used by Prof. Ashton Shortridge Code
The code below is used to generate a climatological semivariogram for the monsoon season. Notice that I used days when more than 30% of the stations reported rain. I did not find links to this. Choose 30%, since I get about 65% of the days to pass the threshold.
lag = 3
bins.vario = seq(0, 75, lag)
nb.bins = length(bins.vario) - 1
nb.classes = numeric(nb.bins)
vario.emp = array(0,c(nb.bins,6))
variance.emp = array(NA,c(10000,nb.bins))
vario.emp = as.data.frame(vario.emp)
class(vario.emp) = c("gstatVariogram","data.frame")
names(vario.emp) = c("np","dist","gamma","dir.hor","dir.ver","id")
nRows = nrow(stn.rain.subset)
for (i in 1:nRows)
irain = stn.rain.subset[i,]
isMissing = is.na(irain)
isZero = (irain == 0)
irain = irain[!isMissing & !isZero]
irain = as.numeric(irain)
rain.mean[[i]] = mean(irain); rain.var[[i]] = var(irain);
if (var(irain)>0)
irain.scaled = irain/sqrt(var(irain))
irain.nsc = nscore(irain)
score = irain.nsc$nscore
easting = lon.UTM[!isMissing & !isZero]
northing = lat.UTM[!isMissing & !isZero]
rain = data.frame(easting,northing,score)
names(rain) = c("easting","northing","rain")
coordinates(rain) = c("easting","northing")
proj4string(rain) = UTM
v = variogram(rain~1, data = rain,boundaries = bins.vario)
bin.nb = ceiling(v$dist/lag)
nb.classes[bin.nb] = nb.classes[bin.nb]+1
vario.emp[bin.nb,] = vario.emp[bin.nb,]+v
, .
, .
"model" "psill" "range" "kappa" "ang1" "ang2" "ang3" "anis1" "anis2"
"Nug" 0.446609415762287 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
"Sph" 0.533499909345213 51.7206027419321 0.5 0 0 0 1 1
Similary for kriging read every day non-zero, . , ?
rain = data.frame(easting,northing,score)
clim.vrmod$psill = clim.vrmod$psill * var(irain)
krige.ok = krige(rain[,3]~1,locations =~easting+northing,data = rain,newdata=output.grd,model = clim.vrmod)
krige.ok$var1.pred.bt = (backtr(krige.ok$var1.pred,irain.nsc, tails='separate'))*sqrt(var(irain))
krige.ok$var1.se = (krige.ok$var1.var)
, , :
var1.var (mm) (mm2)?
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