I am using Infragistics XamDialogWindow to approximate an MDI window in WPF.
Basically, I have a user control that I assign to the contents of the window, and then add XamDialogWindow as a child of the grid.
Then I have two buttons that display the windows as Tile or Cascade.
The cascade works very well, but I'm having problems with the Tile method.
I get the available width and height using the "ActualWidth" and "ActualHeight" properties in the container.
Then I calculate the number of rows and columns required.
Next, I repeat the columns and calculate the number of rows in the column (this means that if there is an odd number of windows like 5, I will have two rows in columns 0 and 3 in column 1).
The width of each window is defined as "AvailableWidth / numColumns"
The height of each window is defined as "AvailableHeight / WindowsForThisColumn"
Then I repeat the lines and calculate the upper left coordinate of the window, which we position as follows:
left = columnIndex * width
top = rowIndex * height
Then the properties Left, Top, Width and Height are set.
The properties Left, Top, Width and Height seem correctly calculated, for example,
- AvailableWidth = 1000;
- AvailableHeight = 1000;
- Window1 = 0, 0, 500, 500
- Window2 = 0, 500, 500, 500
- Window3 = 500, 0.500, 500
- Window4 = 500, 500, 500, 500
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Left, Top, Width Height, .
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Canvas Canvas.Left Top, , .
- ? , , WPF Render Time
var childrenToArrange = Children.Where(a => a.WindowState != Infragistics.Controls.Interactions.WindowState.Minimized).ToList();
var availableWidth = Panel.ActualWidth;
var availableHeight = Panel.ActualHeight;
if (Layout == MDILayout.TILE)
int rows = (int)Math.Sqrt(childrenToArrange.Count);
int columns = childrenToArrange.Count / rows;
var index = 0;
var width = availableWidth / columns;
for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
var windowsForThisColumn = rows;
if (childrenToArrange.Count % columns > (columns - x - 1))
var height = availableHeight / windowsForThisColumn;
for (int y = 0; y < windowsForThisColumn; y++)
var left = x * width;
var top = y * height;
var mdiChild = childrenToArrange[index] as XamDialogWindow;
mdiChild.Margin = new Thickness(0);
mdiChild.Left = left;
mdiChild.Top = top;
mdiChild.Width = width;
mdiChild.Height = height;