I have text that is emphasized in my exalted form. However, every time I open a new response project, it by default selects javascript text, so I have to reset every javascript file to get the correct text selection. As you can see in the lower right corner of the screen, by default it is set to javascript.
The syntax that Sublime selects is mainly based on the extension that the file has.
View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as... , , Sublime, - .
View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as...
JavaScript, ; JavaScript.
Project Specific Syntax Settings , . , .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017057/More articles:Interface design: security of an overloaded function that takes a string and char array - c ++Export Spring Boot Drive Performance with Dropwizard for Jmx or Graphite - spring-bootAdding Custom Mode Types for Perl 6 NativeCall Structures - boxingAndroid Studio - приглашение открыть загруженный файл с любым доступным приложением - android-studioJavaScript Array, Stack, Queue - what is the motivation for this particular API design? - javascriptLimit Restrictions - haskellCan I customize CNContactPickerViewController? - iosTake a string, turn it into some DB (C #) command - c #PDFminer empty output - pythonPandas vs digital data frames - pythonAll Articles