Export Spring Boot Drive Performance with Dropwizard for Jmx or Graphite

I want to use Spring Boot MetricsWriterto write / export data from my Spring Boot application to a data source of my choice (say - Jmx / Graphite). I can use JmxReporter/ GraphiteReporter, but I believe Spring abstraction Writer/ Exportercan play a vital role in terms of changing the data source later.

REST endpoint annotated with Dropwizard annotations

@Timed(absolute=true, name="invokeEndpoint")
public ResponseEntity<Object> callSomeApi() {

My configuration class is as follows:

public class SpringBootMetrics {

    public MetricReader metricReader() {
        return new MetricRegistryMetricReader(metricRegistry());

    public MetricRegistry metricRegistry() {
        final MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
        return metricRegistry;

    MetricWriter metricWriter(MBeanExporter exporter) {
        return new JmxMetricWriter(exporter);

I don't see any metrics for calling the endpoint being collected in Jmx via jconsole. What am I missing?


org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.MetricsEndpointMetricReader Spring, , :

   MetricsEndpointMetricReader metricsEndpointMetricReader(MetricsEndpoint metricsEndpoint) {
      return new MetricsEndpointMetricReader(metricsEndpoint);

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017053/

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