Understanding the while loop in Tensorflow

I am using the Python API for Tensorflow . I am trying to implement the Rosenbrock function below without using a Python loop:

Rosenbrock Function

My current implementation is as follows:

def rosenbrock(data_tensor):
    columns = tf.unstack(data_tensor)

    summation = 0
    for i in range(1, len(columns) - 1):
        first_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(columns[i + 1], tf.square(columns[i])))
        second_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(columns[i], 1.0))
        summation += tf.add(tf.multiply(100.0, first_term), second_term)

    return summation

I tried to implement summation in tf.while_loop(); however, I found the API somewhat unintuitive when it comes to using an integer index, which should remain separate from the data. An example given in the documentation uses data as an index (or vice versa):

i = tf.constant(0)
c = lambda i: tf.less(i, 10)
b = lambda i: tf.add(i, 1)
r = tf.while_loop(c, b, [i])
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tf.while_loop() tuples .

def rosenbrock(data_tensor):
    columns = tf.unstack(data_tensor)

    # Track both the loop index and summation in a tuple in the form (index, summation)
    index_summation = (tf.constant(1), tf.constant(0.0))

    # The loop condition, note the loop condition is 'i < n-1'
    def condition(index, summation):
        return tf.less(index, tf.subtract(tf.shape(columns)[0], 1))

    # The loop body, this will return a result tuple in the same form (index, summation)
    def body(index, summation):
        x_i = tf.gather(columns, index)
        x_ip1 = tf.gather(columns, tf.add(index, 1))

        first_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(x_ip1, tf.square(x_i)))
        second_term = tf.square(tf.subtract(x_i, 1.0))
        summand = tf.add(tf.multiply(100.0, first_term), second_term)

        return tf.add(index, 1), tf.add(summation, summand)

    # We do not care about the index value here, return only the summation
    return tf.while_loop(condition, body, index_summation)[1]

, , while. , body().

, , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1017004/

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