If I set minAPI to 21, do I need an AppCompat?

I decided to make my minimum API version 21 for Android, but does this mean that it makes no sense to use AppCompat? Just use simple material design / no AppCompat / etc?

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2 answers

No, you should always use AppCompat. This ensures that your application already complies with all API levels and that you have access to all new APIs (for example, using the Color buttons , which was introduced only in API 23).

Many other libraries, such as the Design Support Library , also require the use of AppCompat.


, appcompat-v7, - , minSdkVersion - 11. appcompat-v7 .

, appcompat-v7 , , :

  • , . EditText, AppCompatActivity AppCompatEditText, EditText. . , . , . EditText .

  • . appcompat-v7 ~ 1 APK. Google, APK, MB ( APK ), .

  • . Google , Material Design . " " . Material Design. appcompat-v7 Google.

  • . Android 4.x Holo, , Google, Holo. , Google, . , , Android 5.0+ Android-. Material Design , Samsung, LG, SONY, HTC .. Android 4.x. , , .

- -? . , appcompat-v7, . , , , appcompat-v7 - , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016999/

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