What is backward compatibility in Android Studio?

I am new to Android Development. Despite the fact that I referred to the Android developer, I did not understand.

In the Activity Settings dialog box, when I unchecked the box Backwards Compatiblity(Appcompat)in Android Studio 2.3.1, it gave me a hint:

If false, this base activity class will be Activity, not AppCompatActivity

enter image description here

Typically, what do Android developers prefer? the possibility of backward compatibility or without it? Can someone explain to me which one is better.

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3 answers

Android applications can be backward compatible without checking this box.

If false, this base activity class will be Activity, not AppCompatActivity

Android , " (Appcompat)", AppCompatActivity. : , AppCompatActivity, FragmentActivity ActionBarActivity: ?

, Android? ?

, "CommonsWare", :

, , , . , ; , , Android 5.0. . - CommonsWare


. Android.

Android , . ( Android)

, Activity, AppCompatActivity "". API 15.


AppCompatActivity Android. Android, Activity.

AppCompatActivity .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016997/

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