I am trying to work with a native-navigation response, but I have a simple problem.
The application has a login page in which there are no tabs. (very similar to the facebook login page) (Image ref -
Image just to give an idea. Image courtesy of Google
After user login, I want to convert to a tab-based application and I need different stacks for both tabs (like this happens in applications like Quora ) (Image ref - Again, the image is just a link )
I use mobx for state management.
I know its usual use case, but they confuse me between the two options I know -
provide a response to a user's login variable and vary from a single-screen application to a tab-based application. (The only concern is the lack of animation when a reaction to isLoggedIn occurs) For example - App.js
constructor() {
reaction(() => auth.isLoggedIn, () => app.navigateToHome())
reaction(() => app.root, () => this.startApp(app.root));
switch (root) {
case 'user.login':
tabs: [
label: 'One',
screen: 'user.login',
icon: require('./assets/one.png'),
selectedIcon: require('./assets/one_selected.png'),
navigatorStyle: {},
screen: {
screen: root,
title: 'Login',
navigatorStyle: {
screenBackgroundColor: colors.BACKGROUND,
statusBarColor: colors.BACKGROUND
navigatorButtons: {}
return ;
case 'user.home':
tabs: [
label: 'One',
screen: 'user.home',
icon: require('./assets/one.png'),
selectedIcon: require('./assets/one_selected.png'),
navigatorStyle: {},
label: 'Two',
screen: 'user.home',
icon: require('./assets/two.png'),
selectedIcon: require('./assets/two_selected.png'),
title: 'Screen Two',
navigatorStyle: {},
animationType: 'slide-down',
console.error('Unknown app root');
Use a single-screen application, but implement tabs on the main screen. With this method, I would have to implement a separate navigation stack for both tabs. (reaction-native-navigation already implements this. So don't worry in method 1 regarding the navigation stack)
Eg - App.js
screen: {
screen: root,
title: 'Login',
navigatorStyle: {
screenBackgroundColor: colors.BACKGROUND,
statusBarColor: colors.BACKGROUND
navigatorButtons: {}
titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='whatshot' size={33} />}
renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='whatshot' size={30} />}
<Feed />
titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
selected={selectedTab === 'profile'}
title={selectedTab === 'profile' ? 'PROFILE' : null}
renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='person' size={33} />}
renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='person' size={30} />}
onPress={() => this.changeTab('profile')}>
<Profile />
What are the best ways to manage tabs in responsive mode? And in my use case, which method should I go with?