Spring security x.509 authentication - accept certificates based on their certificates

I use Spring Security to authenticate using an x.509 certificate , and only works when a client certificate that is configured in the browser keystore is present in the server trust store.

How it works now:

  • I configured SSL client authentication as optional (server.ssl.client-auth = want, as in this post )
  • I set up a trust server containing all client certificates. If the certificate provided by the client is in the trust store, a mutual SSL connection is created.
  • When I have a client certificate (s) present in the server-side trust store, Firefox opens a pop-up window with my client-side certificates that I can select, and an SSL mutual connection is established.
  • I configured Spring Security to extract the username from the SubjectDN of the client certificate and check it for UserDetailsService . If a UserDetails object is returned for this username, the authentication process succeeds.

The problem is that if I delete the client certificate from the server storage on the server side, Firefox will no longer open this pop-up window and only a one-way SSL connection will be made. Even if the root CA certificate is present in the server trust store.

What I want:

  • SSL-, , ( )

. Baeldung , X.509 auth ( ).

, , , . , .

@robinhowlett ,

, CA .

, , .

: - Root CA , , X.509 SSL Spring ?

Spring Boot 1.5.2.RELEASE(spring -security-web 4.2.2.RELEASE). SSL- Firefox 53.


- ( CA), (Tomcat, ). , JVM ( ServerFault). , Tomcat.

, : , CA, SSL , , , , ( ).

, CA , , . ( JVM).


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016963/

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