Show discount as a percentage of the sale price on the pages of one product for WC 3.0+

I had this code in function.phpmy theme to display the percentage after the price, and it worked perfectly in WooCommerce v2.6.14.

But this snippet no longer works in WooCommerce version 3.0+.

How can i fix this?

Here is the code:

// Add save percent next to sale item prices.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_price_html', 'woocommerce_custom_sales_price', 10, 2 );
function woocommerce_custom_sales_price( $price, $product ) {
    $percentage = round( ( ( $product->regular_price - $product->sale_price ) / $product->regular_price ) * 100 );
    return $price . sprintf( __(' Save %s', 'woocommerce' ), $percentage . '%' );
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1 answer

Updated - 2019 (avoid rounding price issue) - 2017 (avoid NAN%percentage value)

The hook haswoocommerce_sale_price_html been replaced by another hook in WooCommerce 3. 0+, which now has 3 arguments (but no longer an argument $product).

add_filter( 'woocommerce_format_sale_price', 'woocommerce_custom_sales_price', 10, 3 );
function woocommerce_custom_sales_price( $price, $regular_price, $sale_price ) {
    // Getting the clean numeric prices (without html and currency)
    $_reg_price = floatval( strip_tags($regular_price) );
    $_sale_price = floatval( strip_tags($sale_price) );

    // Percentage calculation and text
    $percentage = round( ( $_reg_price - $_sale_price ) / $_reg_price * 100 ).'%';
    $percentage_txt = ' ' . __(' Save ', 'woocommerce' ) . $percentage;

    $formatted_regular_price = is_numeric( $regular_price ) ? wc_price( $regular_price ) : $regular_price;
    $formatted_sale_price    = is_numeric( $sale_price )    ? wc_price( $sale_price )    : $sale_price;

    echo '<del>' . $formatted_regular_price . '</del> <ins>' . $formatted_sale_price . $percentage_txt . '</ins>';

function.php ( ), .
. WooCommerce 3. 0+ ( @Mikebcn @AsifRao)

round(), number_format() number_format_i18n():

$percentage = number_format_i18n( ( $_reg_price - $_sale_price ) / $_reg_price * 100, 0 ).'%';

$percentage = number_format( ( $_reg_price - $_sale_price ) / $_reg_price * 100, 0 ).'%';

: :

// Only for WooCommerce version 3.0+
add_filter( 'woocommerce_format_sale_price', 'woocommerce_custom_sales_price', 10, 3 );
function woocommerce_custom_sales_price( $price, $regular_price, $sale_price ) {
    $percentage = round( ( $regular_price - $sale_price ) / $regular_price * 100 ).'%';
    $percentage_txt = ' ' . __(' Save ', 'woocommerce' ) . $percentage;
    $price = '<del>' . ( is_numeric( $regular_price ) ? wc_price( $regular_price ) : $regular_price ) . '</del> <ins>' . ( is_numeric( $sale_price ) ? wc_price( $sale_price ) . $percentage_txt : $sale_price . $percentage_txt ) . '</ins>';
    return $price;

function.php ( ), .
. WooCommerce 3. 0+.



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