I am new to Xamarin. I installed VisualStudio 2017 with the Xamarin component and my Android sdk file has been updated to Android (v6.0). I created a new Xamarin project and I get errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms.Platform.dll(v7.1) is greater than the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for your project (v6.0).
You need to increase the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for your project. App2.Android C:\(PATH-TO-REPOS)\repos\App2\App2\App2.Android\App2.Android.csproj
I do not want targeting (v7.1), please tell me where I can update $(TargetFrameworkVersion)
for FormsViewGroup.dll
to the target (v6.0).
There is already a similar question raised by someone here . But I did not find a solution to reduce the version for FormsViewGroup.dll. Instead, they suggested updating the Android SDK. But I do not want to target (v7.1).
Please offer me an update $(TargetFrameworkVersion)
solution FormsViewGroup.dll
for the purpose (v6.0).