Java.util.Lists in the Gwt super dev mode debugger

We recently decided to integrate Material Design into our mature GWT application, and this finally forced us to switch from Legacy dev mode to Super dev mode. This works pretty well for us, using Chrome and Intellij IDE, 2016.2. One lingering problem, although it is browsing Java containers (lists, maps, etc.) in the debugger. In the screenshot below, two advanced support components: CopyWidgetPresenters and supportCopyEventPageBlockContentElements are declared as java.util.Lists:

enter image description here

In case it is difficult to read, the debugger displays both list values:

array = Internal error: expected BEGIN_ARRAY, but BEGIN_OBJECT in row 1 of column 1386

, -dev, ( Maps, ) ? -dev JSON?



Intellij. GWT google.



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