Matlab GUI: How to update the structure of pens?

I am working on a graphical interface. I want to store data in additional fields created in the handle structure. However, I do not know how to properly update the descriptor structure when the callback function ends. Please give some advice.

My simplified program

  • Set the number of signals (1-10). Each signal has 3 parameters.
  • Read the parameter for the selected signal from the array created in the handle structure (by default, zeros).
  • Change parameter, update array.


function simple_gui(hObject, h)

h.fig = figure(...
    'Position',[50 50 500 400],...

table = {'1' , '2', '3' , '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10' };

h.number = uicontrol(...
    'Position',[37.4 28.3846153846154 19.4 1.61538461538462],...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);

h.edit1 = uicontrol(...
    'Position',[180 280 50 20],...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],...

h.edit2 = uicontrol(...
    'Position',[180 255 50 20],...

h.edit3 = uicontrol(...
    'Position',[180 230 50 20],...

Main code:

h.parameter1 = zeros(1,10);
h.parameter2 = zeros(1,10);
h.parameter3 = zeros(1,10);
h.signal_no = 0;

h.number.Callback = {@number_Callback, h};

h.edit1.Callback = {@parameter_change_Callback, h};
h.edit2.Callback = {@parameter_change_Callback, h};
h.edit3.Callback = {@parameter_change_Callback, h};
guidata(h.fig, h);

function number_Callback(hObject,eventdata, h)
h = guidata(hObject);
h.signal_no = hObject.Value;
k = h.signal_no;
h.edit1.String = h.parameter1(k);
h.edit2.String = h.parameter2(k);
h.edit3.String = h.parameter3(k);

function parameter_change_Callback(hObject,eventdata, h)
h = guidata(hObject);
k = h.signal_no;
h.parameter1(k) = str2double(h.edit1.String);
h.parameter2(k) = str2double(h.edit2.String);
h.parameter3(k) = str2double(h.edit3.String);
guidata(hObject, h);
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1 answer

In short:

guidata(handleObject, varToStore) () GUI . handleObject - , , varToStore - , ; .


handles = guidata(gcbo);  % gcbo will get the callback object (instance of handle class).  
handles.propToUpdate = handles.propToUpdate+1;  
guidata(gcbo,handles);    % stores the updated struct 


popupmenu, , String. str2double(), , (num2str()), .

h.number.Callback = @number_Callback;

function number_Callback(hObject,~)
    h = guidata(hObject);
    h.signal_no = hObject.Value;
    k = h.signal_no;
    h.edit1.String = num2str(h.parameter1(k));
    h.edit2.String = num2str(h.parameter2(k));
    h.edit3.String = num2str(h.parameter3(k));


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