The newly installed version of VS2017 Community - I read some document that NuGet is turned on, but I do not see it and I do not see how to add it. Should it display basically the same as in VS2015?
You should find it in the installer, the second tab is “Packages” under the heading “Code Tools”
You can run the installer from the Tools menu in VS, this should be the first option.
, . NuGet: 1. Tools > Get Tools and Features... 2. Single Component > Code Tools 3. √ NuGet 4. . NuGet: - Project > Manage NuGet packages... - Tools > NuGet Package Manager
Get Tools and Features...
Single Component
Code Tools
Manage NuGet packages...
NuGet Package Manager
In Visual Studio 2017, Click "Tools" → "Nuget Package Manager" → "Package Manager" :)
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