How to efficiently generate a list of primes in Perl 6?

Creating a list of primes is incredibly simple in Perl 6:

my @primes = (^∞).grep: *.is-prime;

This works quite well if you need a relatively small number of primes, but is very inefficient for large numbers, as each number is independently verified.

Is there a way to access Perl 6's built-in primary logic to efficiently create a list of primes? Otherwise, I will need to build a sieve. Easy enough, but I'm afraid that the sieve in the high-level Perl 6 code will be almost as inefficient as the code I started working with.

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3 answers

--profile, , 99% nqp::isprime_I(), . . , nqp::isprime_I().

, , , - . hyper . " ", :

, , , , start Promise.


, .


  • .is-prime ( @DanaJ, , ).
  • Perl 6 , , (.. Perl6ish).
  • ( Perl 5) .
  • . 😋

: Cimes Tilmes 'Primesieve. , ! (.. )! , , Primesieve / (?), , /.

: " " Timbus. , ...

: ​​ Perl6 . ( ) 1..99 . (, √ ( )), Perl 6. : ; , .

: Math:: Primesieve , script.

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;

# The easy but slow way
sub primes-is-prime
    (^∞).grep: *.is-prime;

# Use a sieve (simple Perl 6 style)
sub primes-sieve(Int $max)
    my @sieve;
    lazy gather for 2..$max -> $p {
        next if @sieve[$p];
        take $p;
        for 2*$p, 3*$p ... $max -> $n {
            @sieve[$n] = True;

# Use a sieve (optimized)
sub primes-sieve2(Int $max)
    my int @sieve;
    lazy gather {
        take 2;
        loop (my int $p = 3; $p ≤ $max; $p += 2) {
            next if @sieve[$p];
            take $p;
            loop (my int $n = 3*$p; $n ≤ $max; $n += 2*$p) {
                @sieve[$n] = 1;

# Use a sieve (even more optimized)
sub primes-sieve3(Int $max)
    my int @sieve;
    my $max2 = ($max-1) div 2;
    lazy gather {
        take 2;
        for 1 .. $max2 -> int $i {
            next if @sieve[$i];
            take 2*$i + 1;
            my $max3 = ($max2 - $i) div (2*$i + 1);
            for 1 .. $max3 -> int $j {
                @sieve[(2*$j + 1)*$i + $j] = 1;

# Use a flexible sieve size (and further optimized)
sub primes-sieve4
    # Pre-initialize our sieve with the odd numbers from 1 to 99
    my $max = 100;
    my int @sieve = 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,

    lazy gather {
        # Don't forget our single even prime number
        take 2;

        my int $min-i = 1;
        loop {
            # Take all primes in the new part of the sieve 
            my int $max-i = ($max-1) div 2;
            for $min-i .. $max-i -> int $i {
                take 2*$i + 1 unless @sieve[$i];

            # Extend sieve by factor 2
            # We must check the primes from 3 to √(2*max) in the sieve
            # for max to 2*max
            for 1 .. ((2*$max).sqrt.floor-1) div 2 -> int $i {
                next if @sieve[$i];
                my int $p = 2*$i + 1;
                my int $min-j = max(($max-i - $i) div $p, $i);
                my int $max-j = (2*$max-i + 1 - $i) div $p;
                for $min-j .. $max-j -> int $j {
                    @sieve[$i + $p*$j] = 1;

            # Double the sieve size, and start the next iteration
            # in the second half of the sieve
            $max *= 2;
            $min-i = $max-i+1;

# Use a Perl 5 module
sub primes-perl5
    use Math::Prime::Util:from<Perl5> <prime_iterator>;

    my $it = prime_iterator;
    lazy gather {
        loop {
            take $it.();

# Use Primesieve module
sub primes-primesieve($max)
    # See:
    #  -
    #  -
    use Math::Primesieve;

    # No iterator support (yet?), so just return the whole list

# Use Primesieve module (iterator)
sub primes-primesieve-iterator
    # See:
    #  -
    #  -
    use Math::Primesieve;
    my $iterator =;
    lazy gather {
        loop {
            take $;

# Cheat
# Source: - first million
# (Unzip and remove the first few lines from the file.)
sub primes-cheat
    lazy $*PROGRAM.sibling('primes1.txt')*);

sub timer(&code)
    my $start = now;
    my $elapsed = now - $start;
    say "Elapsed: $elapsed.fmt('%.3f')s";

sub MAIN
    #my $nth = 1_000;
    #my $max = 8_000;

    #my $nth = 10_000;
    #my $max = 105_000;

    my $nth = 50_000;
    my $max = 612_000;

    timer {
        my @primes = primes-is-prime;
        say "Using .is-prime: @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-sieve($max);
        say "Using a sieve (simple Perl 6 style): @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-sieve2($max);
        say "Using a sieve (optimized): @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-sieve3($max);
        say "Using a sieve (even more optimized): @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-sieve4;
        say "Using a flexible sieve size (further optimized): @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-perl5;
        say "Using a Perl 5 module: @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-primesieve($max);
        say "Using Primesieve module: @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-primesieve-iterator;
        say "Using Primesieve module (iterator): @primes[$nth]";
    timer {
        my @primes = primes-cheat;
        say "Cheating: @primes[$nth]";

# 4 year old Linux server, running Rakudo Star 2017.04:
# Using .is-prime: 611957
# Elapsed: 216.134s
# Using a sieve (simple Perl 6 style): 611957
# Elapsed: 124.087s
# Using a sieve (optimized): 611957
# Elapsed: 41.129s
# Using a sieve (even more optimized): 611957
# Elapsed: 7.285s
# Using a flexible sieve size (further optimized): 611957
# Elapsed: 3.897s
# Using a Perl 5 module: 611957
# Elapsed: 10.031s
# Using Primesieve module: 611957
# Elapsed: 0.312s
# Using Primesieve module (iterator): 611957
# Elapsed: 1.460s
# Cheating: 611957
# Elapsed: 2.017s


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