While I use debounce()
, then I extract data from the backend and the data I want to convert to other data and finally use toList()
. when I use toList()
nothing happens no log is in the subscription and error, without toList()
it works, and the method subscribe()
enters as much as I have a list of books, I tested the second part of the code without debounce()
just getItems()
and with the help toList()
it works. Below is my code - the first part with debounce()
and itList()
, which does not work, and the second c toList()
, which works
public Flowable<List<Book>> getItems(String query) {}
.debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.switchMap(s -> getItems(s).toObservable())
.flatMapIterable(items -> items)
.subscribe(books -> {
Log.i("test", "" + books.toString());
}, error -> {
Log.i("test", "" + error);
getItems(query).flatMapIterable(items -> items)
.subscribe(books -> {
Log.i("test", "" + "" + books.toString());
}, error -> {
Log.i("test", "" + error);