Android debugging does not work in Android Studio

I tried everything and Android debugging still won't work. On my phone, he says “Waiting for debugger” in the warning window, but when I try to connect the debugger, it does not allow me. I can receive logcat messages, but I can not look at processor usage and memory usage. I also tried using DDMS, but this also does not work. I tried the following:enter image description here enter image description here

  • I added debuggable true.gradle to build
  • I turned on ADB integration
  • Updated version of Android Studio for the latest version
  • Updated SDK Tools for Latest Version
  • Added <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP"></uses-permission>to display
  • Enabled USB debugging on the phone
  • Reboot Android Studio and launch adb kill-server
  • Rebooted phone and computer
  • USB .
  • ADB .

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, Android NDK Android Studio. , . !

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