I have a large number of fairly large daily files stored in the blog storage module (S3, Azure datalake exc .. exc ..) data1900-01-01.csv, data1900-01-02.csv,....,data2017-04-27.csv
. My goal is to transform N-day cyclic linear regression, but I am having problems with the data loading aspect. I am not sure how to do this without the nested RDD's.
scheme the .csv
same for each file .
In other words, for each date d_t
I need data x_t
to combine the data (x_t-1, x_t-2,... x_t-N)
How can I use PySpark to load an N-day window of these daily files? All PySpark examples that I can find can be loaded from one very large file or dataset.
Here is an example of my current code:
dates = [('1995-01-03', '1995-01-04', '1995-01-05'), ('1995-01-04', '1995-01-05', '1995-01-06')]
p = sc.parallelize(dates)
def test_run(date_range):
dt0 = date_range[-1]
s = '/daily/data{}.csv'
df0 = spark.read.csv(s.format(dt0), header=True, mode='DROPMALFORM')
file_list = [s.format(dt) for dt in date_range[:-1]]
df1 = spark.read.csv(file_list, header=True, mode='DROPMALFORM')
return 1
I'm on PySpark version '2.1.0'
I run this on a jupyter laptop for an Azure HDInsight laptop.
here is of type <class 'pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession'>
A more reproducible example is as follows:
p = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3])
def foo(date_range):
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, 0, 3)], ["a", "b", "c"])
return 1