Want to open the standard file open dialog by clicking the follow button in the .component.html file:
<button md-fab md-tooltip="Input">
<md-icon class="md-24">input</md-icon>
It seems that a common way to open a dialog is to use an input tag as follows:
<input type="file">
but it shows additional things on the screen. Thinking of appearing in .component.ts with (click) in:
<button md-fab md-tooltip="Input" (click)="onClick()">
<md-icon class="md-24">input</md-icon>
but could not find a way to open the file open dialog in .ts, please help.
@ angular / cli: 1.0.1 node: 7,7,4 os: win32 x64 @ angular / xxxx: 4.0.3