Specific JavaScript page using Content Security Policy (CSP)

I want to use Content Security Policy (CSP) throughout my site. This requires all JavaScript to be in separate files. I used the general JavaScript used by all pages, but there is also JavaScript for specific pages that I want to use only for a specific page. What is the best way to handle JavaScript for JavaScript for better performance?

Two ways I can come up with to solve this problem are to use special JavaScript packages or a separate JavaScript package with a switch statement to execute the contents of the page.

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2 answers

There are many ways to execute page specific javascript

Option 1 (check through the class)

Set body to body tag

<body class="PageClass">

and then check through jQuery

    //your code

Option 2 (check through the switch enclosure)

var windowLoc = $(location).attr('pathname'); //jquery format to get window.location.pathname

switch (windowLoc) {
    case "/info.php":
        //code here
    case "/alert.php":
        //code here

Option 3 Check via function

make whole page script in function

function homepage() {
    alert('homepage code executed');

and then run the function on a specific page


Sorry, I know that this ended up being read for a long time, but it will be worth it to do this, as you can make the choice that suits your site. For tl; dr, read the first sentence of each paragraph.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016786/

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