When I try to pass FBSDKShareLinkContentin FBSDKMessageDialog, it returns with warnings for some properties, saying that they are deprecated from Graph API 2.9.
'imageURL' deprecated: imageURLdeprecated from Graph API 2.9'contentTitle' deprecated: contentTitledeprecated from Graph API 2.9'contentDescription' deprecated: contentDescriptiondeprecated from Graph API 2.9
'imageURL' deprecated: imageURLdeprecated from Graph API 2.9
'contentTitle' deprecated: contentTitledeprecated from Graph API 2.9
'contentDescription' deprecated: contentDescriptiondeprecated from Graph API 2.9
What can I do to prevent this problem?
, , , meta, . , .
. .
, ( 2.9), facebook. , facebook, "og" ( "og: title" ..) -, .
- :
<meta property="og:title" content="your content"/> <meta property="og:description" content="your content"/>
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016675/More articles:Как избежать циклов при итерации по смежным элементам вектора - iteratorremove space in keys in nested object using javascript - javascript.framework as Carthage (Fabric & Crashlytics example) - iosRandom case of Nginx + php-fpm - phpFast array expansion with common elements - arraysQuartz continues to write its log to all my log files - loggingThe added value of Keras' fit_generator workout - pythonKubernetes: how to set up user groups and user accounts VolumeMount - dockerStrange behavior with taskScheduler pool - javagit: return all committed files to a directory, - gitAll Articles