.framework as Carthage (Fabric & Crashlytics example)

Now I am faced with the choice of a dependency manager for the second version of my project. I did my homework and checked all the dependencies that I would need to support Carthage , and everything turns out without Fabric and Crashlytics . For these two, I would rather get more work than integrate whole cocoapods for this.

So my question is: can I create an example project that I will use on github and create a dynamic auto-update scheme that will allow me to integrate third-party files .frameworkinside my project?

So what my starting point is doing a script to check the version of pods on the website and check if the downloaded file is in the latest version. It's done. But I have a file .frameworkand how to embed it in an xcode project to support carthage?

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1 answer

@Kuba - you can use the Xcodeproj stone to modify the project and include frames


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016672/

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