I am trying to make a Pipeline textbook for students, but I am blocking. I am not an expert, but I am trying to improve. So thanks for your indulgence. In fact, I am trying to execute a pipeline to perform several steps when preparing a data block for a classifier:
- Step 1: Data Frame Description
- Step 2: Fill in NaN Values
- Step 3: Convert Categorical Values to Numbers
Here is my code:
class Descr_df(object):
def transform (self, X):
print ("Structure of the data: \n {}".format(X.head(5)))
print ("Features names: \n {}".format(X.columns))
print ("Target: \n {}".format(X.columns[0]))
print ("Shape of the data: \n {}".format(X.shape))
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
class Fillna(object):
def transform(self, X):
non_numerics_columns = X.columns.difference(X._get_numeric_data().columns)
for column in X.columns:
if column in non_numerics_columns:
X[column] = X[column].fillna(df[column].value_counts().idxmax())
X[column] = X[column].fillna(X[column].mean())
return X
def fit(self, X,y=None):
return self
class Categorical_to_numerical(object):
def transform(self, X):
non_numerics_columns = X.columns.difference(X._get_numeric_data().columns)
le = LabelEncoder()
for column in non_numerics_columns:
X[column] = X[column].fillna(X[column].value_counts().idxmax())
X[column] = le.transform(X[column]).astype(int)
return X
def fit(self, X, y=None):
return self
If I perform steps 1 and 2 or steps 1 and 3, this works, but if I perform steps 1, 2 and 3 at the same time. I have this error:
pipeline = Pipeline([('df_intropesction', Descr_df()), ('fillna',Fillna()), ('Categorical_to_numerical', Categorical_to_numerical())])
pipeline.fit(X, y)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'columns'