I believe that the philosophy of data.table entails a smaller number of specially named functions for tasks than you will find in the tipper, so additional coding is required, for example:
res = setDT(df)[
CJ(person = person, observation_id = observation_id, unique=TRUE),
on=.(person, observation_id)
. @thelatemail:
res[is.na(value), value := 0 ]
@Jealie , .
, , . , :
completeDT <- function(DT, cols, defs = NULL){
mDT = do.call(CJ, c(DT[, ..cols], list(unique=TRUE)))
res = DT[mDT, on=names(mDT)]
if (length(defs))
res[, names(defs) := Map(replace, .SD, lapply(.SD, is.na), defs), .SDcols=names(defs)]
completeDT(setDT(df), cols = c("person", "observation_id"), defs = c(value = 0))
person observation_id value
1: 1 1 1
2: 1 2 0
3: 2 1 1
4: 2 2 1
, @thelatemail:
vars <- c("person","observation_id")
df[do.call(CJ, c(mget(vars), unique=TRUE)), on=vars]
c("person","observation_id") %>% df[do.call(CJ, c(mget(.), unique=TRUE)), on=.]
: CJ, @MichaelChirico & @MattDowle .