Questions with text answers Claudia.js and Alexa

I am working on the Claudia.js bot, which can be obtained through Slack, FB messenger and as an Alexa skill. Presumably in claudia you can return plain text and the framework will return its “frontend” correctly ... What currently works for me works fine with FB and Slack, but when I access it through Alexa's “Simulator services”, I always get "The answer is invalid." Here is the lambda that uses Claudia.js. Basically, he receives messages from the client, and then shunts them to another Lambda, which is an “AI”. It seems that Alexa is suffocating on line 67. Ideas?

const promiseDelay = require('promise-delay');
// const aws = require('aws-sdk');
// const lambda = new aws.Lambda();
const lambda = require('aws-lambda-invoke');

const botBuilder = require('claudia-bot-builder');

const stackTrace = require('stack-trace');

//const slackDelayedReply = botBuilder.slackDelayedReply;
const getIntentName = alexaPayload =>
    alexaPayload &&
    alexaPayload.request &&
    alexaPayload.request.type === 'IntentRequest' &&
    alexaPayload.request.intent &&;

const api = botBuilder((message, apiRequest) => {
  console.log = console.log.bind(null, '[LOG]'); =, '[INFO]');
  console.error = console.error.bind(null, '[ERROR]');
  console.warn = console.warn.bind(null, '[WARN]');, apiRequest);

  const requestData = {
    'user-id': {
      type: message.type,
      ID: message.sender
    epoch: 1484771343.01,
    'payload-type': 'luis',
    facets: {},
    utterance: 'Seek Showtimes',
    payload: {
      query: 'Seek Showtime',
      topScoringIntent: {
        intent: 'SeekShowtime',
        score: 1.0
      intents: [{
        intent: 'SeekShowtime',
        score: 1
      entities: []
  if (message.text) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        FunctionName: 'ca2',
        Payload: JSON.stringify(requestData),
      }, (err, done) => {
        if (err) {
          const trace = stackTrace.parse(err);
          return reject(err);
    }).then((result) => { // the initial response
      const payload = JSON.parse(result.Payload);
      return payload.utterance;
    }).catch((error) => {
      const trace = stackTrace.parse(error);
      return 'Could not setup';
  } else if (getIntentName(apiRequest.body) === 'ExitApp') {
    return {
      response: {
        outputSpeech: {
          type: 'PlainText',
          text: 'Bye from Bot!'
        shouldEndSession: true
  } else {
    return {};
{ platforms: ['facebook', 'slackSlashCommand', 'alexa'] }

module.exports = api;

- Alexa Message Builder " ". "undefined."

, ( botBuilder Alexa), [TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined]


return payload.utterance -

if (type === 'alexa-skill') {
        Console.warn('trying to contact alexa');
        return "Hi from Alexa";


Json Request, :

2017-04-27T18:06:30.552Z    3d70c273-2b74-11e7-a1c8-bf3fec00cbff    STORE Map { "user-id": Map { "type": "alexa-skill", "ID": "amzn1.ask.account.AF6FUNJDSHGCXPVSAO5HUSRYFBD3SPCJJLILC4HLPS3K3L4AOWIMXPS4ZDDCXQ3ZVIV5L4FOMYD23PWZXEIAKYQBVXIQTPE2WW2PMBIXQIY3TUATXADCVNYO7NYUR2B45EU5GRIWBFHQIPLQVDQZMXD7IYVGTKAV3OWPHROCPR7XIUGNSJEAGQZJOMULSKT5HYSNUNJONASE34Y" }, "epoch": 1484771343.01, "payload-type": "luis", "utterance": "when is Logan playing", "payload": Map { "query": "when is Logan playing" } }

, ( ):

017-04-27T18:06:32.513Z 3d70c273-2b74-11e7-a1c8-bf3fec00cbff    [LOG] mnlpData { StatusCode: 200,
Payload: '{"utterance": "To find movies playing near you, I need to know where you are. Please tell me your zip code.", "AskLocation": 1, "context": {"updated": 1493316392.162429, "user_id": "TEST_ID_TUES_14", "sessions": [{"intents": ["SeekShowtime", "SeekShowtime"], "facet-delta": {}, "facets": {"ity.location": {"": "", "ity.code": "", "": ""}, "": {"ity.title": "", "ity.code": ""}, "ity.time": [], "": []}, "modes": ["", "SHOWTIME_SWITCH", "AskLocation", "SHOWTIME_SWITCH", "AskLocation"]}], "created": 1493316379.950335, "mode_process_count": 2, "user-id": {"type": "alexa-skill", "ID": "amzn1.ask.account.AF6FUNJDSHGCXPVSAO5HUSRYFBD3SPCJJLILC4HLPS3K3L4AOWIMXPS4ZDDCXQ3ZVIV5L4FOMYD23PWZXEIAKYQBVXIQTPE2WW2PMBIXQIY3TUATXADCVNYO7NYUR2B45EU5GRIWBFHQIPLQVDQZMXD7IYVGTKAV3OWPHROCPR7XIUGNSJEAGQZJOMULSKT5HYSNUNJONASE34Y"}, "utterance": ["To find movies playing near you, I need to know where you are. Please tell me your zip code."]}}' }

2017-04-27T18:06:32.514Z    3d70c273-2b74-11e7-a1c8-bf3fec00cbff    [WARN] trying to contact alexa


2017-04-27T18:06:32.514Z    3d70c273-2b74-11e7-a1c8-bf3fec00cbff    [TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined]

-, , , , utterance - , , .

-, , , , , alexaAppName undefined, , base64, .

, , , , , alexa claudia example.


, claudia update --configure-alexa-skill , url, alexa. HTTPS lambda arn.

message.text , , , . , , alexa .

message.text ? Claudia js , , . , claudia .

, , , .



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