Disable white vertical line

So, I installed VS Code on my Mac and it works great. There only this white vertical line goes across the screen, which is annoying.

I'm not sure if he should be a kind of guide, ruler or anything else. He appeared only from the very beginning. Is there any way to disable it?

It looks like this:

enter image description here

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3 answers

I was also very interested ... so I finally tracked down the setting that turned it off.

enter image description here


If you search in your settings file - the default settings - you will find

// Controls whether the editor should display indent guides

"editor.renderIndentGuides": true,

false - , "" .

. . VSCode?, , . , , , .


, :


, . , :

"editor.rulers": []


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016591/

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