Where are Heroku apps located?

Through https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/regions I can see that for heroes of common runtime spaces, the hero has two regions available: Europe and the United States. But I could not find anywhere in any official documentation in which region the hero of this country places the application. For example, I want to know if it is in the east, west, north, south.


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4 answers

Heroku Region of the Americas - AWS us-east-1. EU - eu-west-1.

This makes the US region located in Northern Virginia and the EU in Ireland.


URL-, , :

$ heroku regions --common
ID  Location       Runtime
──  ─────────────  ──────────────
eu  Europe         Common Runtime
us  United States  Common Runtime

curl, , /regions/frankfurt (.. us)

$ curl -n -X GET https://api.heroku.com/regions/us -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"
  "country":"United States",
  "description":"United States",

: "locale":"Virginia"

, , - , .

Heroku - AWS us-east-1. - eu-west-1.



heroku regions --common --json, - heroku regions --common --json, heroku regions --common --json JSON:

    "country": "Ireland",
    "created_at": "2013-09-19T01:29:12Z",
    "description": "Europe",
    "id": "ed30241c-ed8c-4bb6-9714-61953675d0b4",
    "locale": "Dublin",
    "name": "eu",
    "private_capable": false,
    "provider": {
      "name": "amazon-web-services",
      "region": "eu-west-1"
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T22:03:28Z"
    "country": "United States",
    "created_at": "2012-11-21T20:44:16Z",
    "description": "United States",
    "id": "59accabd-516d-4f0e-83e6-6e3757701145",
    "locale": "Virginia",
    "name": "us",
    "private_capable": false,
    "provider": {
      "name": "amazon-web-services",
      "region": "us-east-1"
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T22:03:28Z"



Country -> Ireland
City -> Dublin
AWS Region -> eu-west-1


Country -> United States
City -> Virginia
AWS Region -> us-east-1

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1016586/

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